Shoulder ROM - YWTL ("YWTL" Shoulder ROM, in standing; 01)

Shoulder ROM - YWTL ("YWTL" Shoulder ROM, in standing; 01)

Stand up straight with your arms by your sides.
Turn your palms outwards and lift your arms out and up into a "Y" position with your thumbs pointing outwards.
Hold this position as you try to stretch the arms back and chest forwards.
Lower your arms a little by bending your elbows, creating a "W" with your arms.
Lead with your thumbs as you try to push your arms back further in this position.
Next, straighten your arms out to your side at shoulder height, ensuring your palms are facing upwards.
Create a "T" shape as you try to push your arms backwards and chest forwards.
Finally, lower your arms back down to your sides, keeping your elbows bent to a right angle and palms up.
Try to push your forearms out as much as you can, keeping your arms by your sides.

Required equipment: No equipment
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