Stability ball pike roll out - legs on ball ("Plank on-the-ball" Core/scapular stabilization, into abdominal tuck; 04)

Stability ball pike roll out - legs on ball ("Plank on-the-ball" Core/scapular stabilization, into abdominal tuck; 04)

Start in a standing position with a stability ball on the floor in front of you.
Roll onto the stability ball and position your hands on the floor until your thighs are resting on the ball.
Push your arms down into the floor to create stability in your shoulder blades.
Maintain a neutral spine and engage your deep abdominal muscles throughout this exercise.
Ensure your heels are actively reaching behind you.
Keeping your legs straight, roll your body back onto the ball, pivoting around your shoulders.
You may need to turn your hands out to the sides for comfort.
Pause, then control yourself back to the start position.
Next, slowly start to draw your knees in towards your chest as you lift your hips in the air, pivoting around your shoulders.
Pause, then return to the start position with control.

Required equipment: Wall, Stability Ball, Ball - large
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